IQ and Educational Tests

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IQ, Achievement, and Diagnostic Testing Programs

Parents are sometimes asked to have their student tested individually by a psychologist. This could be asked as part of the application to an independent school, to determine if the student is appropriate for a Gifted or Challenge program. Other reasons for testing include: to determine if there is a learning difficulty, address issues around ADHD, or to see if early Kindergarten placement is in order.

To request an appointment for any of the testing situations listed below, please call the MLES office at 610-525-8127 or email us with the following information:

Reason for request, child's name, grade and birthdate; your name, phone number and email address.

Independent School Applicants

Students applying to some independent schools are required to take an intelligence or IQ test. This test is completed, one-on-one with a psychologist in a small room at the MLES office or other test center. The test involves answering orally presented questions, completing hands-on tasks like puzzles, and sometimes using a pencil to do tasks like mazes. The psychologist may also ask some questions like what is your favorite school subject and what do you want to be when you grow up.

The fee covers the testing costs, a short parental conference following the test, and a confidential report sent to up to four schools to which the candidate is applying. The confidential report, which includes IQ scores and ranges, as well as the psychologist's written report, is also sent to the parents. Parents may request a longer consultation to review the test results with the clinical director or the testing psychologist.

For Gifted and Challenge Programs

Parents sometimes request that assessments for public school Gifted and Challenge Programs be given outside the school.  While school districts are not required to accept independent test results, our experience has been very positive in this regard.  The testing results, along with other information from parents and teachers, can then  be used to help the school's Multidisciplinary Team determine the best educational placement for your child.  For further information, please contact our offices.


Preschool and Kindergarten Admission

Some independent schools require an intelligence test for incoming preschool or kindergarten students. Some public schools also require testing for kindergarten if the student's birthday is after the cut-off date for registration. The school will determine what types of tests are necessary, but often a battery will include an age-appropriate achievement test and tests of fine-motor development.

Testing for Adults and College-Aged Students

When Requiring Accommodations for Standardized Tests

MLES can usually provide documentation for students with a diagnosed disability who require special accommodations when taking the SAT, GRE, MCAP, or other standardized test.  Please allow at least four weeks post-assessment for the report to be ready when scheduling. There may be time, age or test restrictions.  All appointments must be made through Dr. Kline to assure appropriate scheduling.

Beginning in 2015, some of the common individual tests used for admission and gifted identification purposes are now offered using iPads.  Even the youngest applicants have been successful with this technology.  However, if  you have any concerns, please discuss them with your child's psychologist.